Thank A Roughneck
Roughnecks are the unsung heroes of our state. Hardworking roughnecks are increasing American energy security, and keeping the lights on at home.
A few fast facts on how roughnecks have helped bolster American energy security:
- The United States exported 27,000 b/d of crude oil in 2007. In 2018, that figure has increased to roughly 2.05 million b/d – transitioning the U.S. from net importer to one step closer to a net exporter.
- Crude oil imports have also fallen. In 2007, the United States imported 10.03 million b/d. In 2018, that figure had fallen to 7.77 million b/d.
- The United States was a net exporter of natural gas for over 13 consecutive months between February 2018 and February 2019.
Texas roughnecks are powering the oil and natural gas revolution! Sign the petition to show your appreciation for Texas roughnecks!