Week In Review: March 8, 2019
Wed, March 13, 2019
March 8, 2019
Energy Briefing
Six Reasons Why We Need More Pipelines in Texas
Pipelines are the safest, most environmentally responsible method of transporting oil and natural gas. With over 2.5 million miles of pipeline crisscrossing the United States and roughly 466,000 miles of pipeline throughout the state of Texas, pipelines play a crucial role in ensuring safe, efficient delivery of the energy we use every day. But even with this extensive pipeline network, more capacity is needed to allow the Texas energy boom to continue, as well as making sure Texas oil and natural gas reach consumers at home and our trading partners abroad.
New Pipeline Capacity Dwarfs Flared Gas Volumes in the Permian
The proposed pipeline capacity expected to come online in the Permian Basin over the next three years is vastly greater than the estimated volumes of flared gas, according to a Texans for Natural Gas analysis.
Oil & Gas Group Launches Webpage to Track Permian Basin Pipeline Projects
A group funded by the oil and natural gas industry has launched a new webpage to track the progress of 13 Permian Basin to Gulf Coast pipeline projects under construction.
International Women's Day
Pink Petro is a for-profit company funded by shell and others in the energy industry focusing on recruiting more woman.
Find out more: https://www.texansfornaturalgas.com/just_15_of_the_oil_and_gas_workforce_is_female_these_women_want_to_change_that
Texas Legislature
Texas is the largest oil and gas producing state, and that production depends on Texas pipelines to deliver affordable energy to consumers. These energy supplies fuel the Texas miracle, which is made possible by a low tax, low regulation operating environment that differentiates us from places like California or New York. Senate Bill 421 would create new and unnecessary regulations on Texas pipelines that will give the government more control over Texas energy.
Click here to tell your State Senator you support Texas pipelines: https://www.texansfornaturalgas.com/sb_421
In Case You Missed It
If oil and natural gas are the lifeblood of the Texas economy, pipelines are the critical veins and arteries that keep the Lone Star State's economy pumping.
There are quite a few new pipeline projects in the Permian Basin! Learn more here: https://www.permian.texansfornaturalgas.com/permian-pipelines