Weekly Update

Friday, June 26, 2020

Energy Briefing


Drilling Down: Permian Basin revival looming on the horizon

A drilling revival may soon be underway in the Permian Basin of West Texas where a flurry of permits for new horizontal wells have been filed.


6 Important Dates for Texas Oil & Gas

Have you ever wondered how Texas became the oil and natural gas leader it is today? Click below to learn
six dates that were pivotal in bringing the Lone Star State to its superstar status as the country’s largest
oil and natural gas producer.


Oil and gas industry show signs of recovery as Texas reopens

With the State of Texas opening up, the economy is beginning its slow recovery. With that means more vehicles on the road and oil prices beginning their slow climb back up the energy ladder.


Support Water Conservation In Texas



When compared to other major sources of baseload power, natural gas uses between 60 and 70 percent less water.

Sign your name here to support water conservation in Texas: https://www.texansfornaturalgas.com/texas_water_petition


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