Weekly Update

Friday, October 30, 2020

Energy Briefing

Report: Natural Gas a Solution to Energy Poverty in the United States

A new whitepaper by Texans for Natural Gas shines a light on the millions of Americans affected by energy poverty – the lack of access to affordable energy – - in the world’s richest nation, and how affordable and abundant natural gas can help alleviate their hardship.


Report: Pipelines Key to Texas’ Economic Growth

The study, commissioned by the Texas Pipeline Association (TPA), found that Texas’ pipeline industry provides a variety of economic benefits across the state. In 2019 alone, pipeline construction and operation attributed to more than 238,000 high-paying jobs and is expected to support almost half a million jobs for Texans over the next 40 years.


What the Engie-NextDecade Deal Means for Methane Emissions

The bottom line is that Texas is ready to supply energy to the world, and we’re continuously improving practices to ensure that it’s being done responsibly. Hopefully, Engie’s board will take a closer look at the scientific evidence demonstrating this and move forward with a deal that will help the country lower its emissions, while simultaneously providing affordable, clean energy to its citizens.


Thank A Roughneck



Roughnecks are the unsung heroes of our state. Hardworking roughnecks are increasing American energy security and keeping the lights on at home.


Sign the petition to show your appreciation for Texas roughnecks: https://www.texansfornaturalgas.com/thank_a_roughneck



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